within•beyond•together practice

We heal from Within - we trust in everyone’s Inner Healer and listen to the Body as the Autobiographer. Providers here are not gurus or have The Answer but hold Space and support the reconnection to the Self.


We are bio-psycho-social-spiritual beings. Our bodies are always in the present but our minds have the ability to take us far Beyond. Through a genuine therapeutic journey, we can explore and connect from deep Within to Beyond our humanistic nearsighted perception.


We are hurt in community/family and we heal in community/family. The wibeto space is one of Togetherness because we know we need each other to ascend. We need to break down the belief that we are the only ones struggling and have to cope in private.


While we all want to feel better ‘right now’, the daily intention to be in the driver’s seat of our healing is essential. Through trial and error, we must develop our own practice that will help us meet our foundational needs, regulate our nervous system, and give space to allow for feelings to arise.


Therapists are psychodynamic at heart with additional training in either Internal Family Systems (IFS), NARM, EMDR, somatic experiencing or psychedelic-assisted therapy. These are the modalities that best approach our Parts in a sensitive, compassionate, understanding way, allowing for deeper healing and consequently symptom relief.

A holistic approach so medications are prescribed thoughtfully, with psychoeducation and intention. We will empower one’s Self-Agency, encourage a variety of approaches to regulate the nervous system, improve presence, decrease stress reactivity, stabilize mood, etc.
Think ‘trauma-informed therapeutic approach’ with the ability to prescribe.

Journey Within and Beyond, and sometimes as a group (Together)! Ketamine treatments can allow the rigid repetitive thinking processes to be disrupted and for the egoic Parts of ourselves to take a step back for a moment.

Vulnerability is Strength.

wibeto is a safe space to feel, to bring your emotions and all of your Parts.

Someone who understands you

We believe that healing occurs relationally, through being accepted when one is their fully Authentic Self. Our diverse network of providers practice from a heart-centered approach and are here to meet each individual on their own unique timeline.

We are needing more moments of spaciousness for the Deep Emotions we all experience. We are needing a Space to Feel.

We will continue to join you on your journey and empower your Self-Agency! Everyone is deserving of love and care - it is safe to emerge and be seen!

  • “The familiar feels safe; that is, until we teach ourselves that discomfort is temporary and a necessary part of transformation”

    Dr. Nicole LePera - How to Do the Work

  • “No one can plot somebody else’s course of healing, because that’s not how healing works ... Like natural childbirth, healing cannot be mandated or hastened, but it can certainly be helped along”

    Gabor Maté MD - the Myth of Normal

  • The Breath is Life's Teacher

  • “The roots of trauma lie in our instinctual physiologies. As a result, it is through our bodies, as well as our minds, that we discover the key to its healing. Each of us must find those roots”

    Peter Levine PhD - Waking Tiger

  • Share a quote that has touched you

    We’d love to hear what quotes have resonated with you that we can share with the wibeto community.

We open our beautiful facility to other trauma-informed holistic professionals in hopes that our space can provide more people a community to heal. If you are interested, in any capacity, to become part of the wibeto community — please reach out.

Join the wibeto healing collective

Mindful Movement


Sound Bath

& More

wibeto is a healing space with an emphasis on empowering one’s Inner Healer. In this calming atmosphere, we bring intention to have a Space to Feel. We think holistically about the Beings that we are and incorporate it into all aspects of our care.