Our Team

Our Culture

We value open and present-minded individuals that also acknowledge their wounded Inner Child, respect their ever-evolving process, trust in other’s Inner Healer, are willing to deepen their personal self-care and practice, and want to make intentional dedicated time to learn from one another.

With a wide array of backgrounds and trainings, the Space we share and the collaboration that ensues, naturally produces even more well-rounded, insightful, skilled individuals.



    Growing up, I became familiar with the medical model known to most of us in the USA. My grandpa was a cardiologist and I was in awe of my pediatrician who seemed to know so much about me based on a set of attuned questions and a thorough physical exam. Simply put, my desire to help others combined with an interest in science, I knew at a young age I wanted to be a doctor.

    As life does, an array of experiences and influences opened my eyes beyond the standard medical framework. I sought new perspectives through travel, engaged in therapy and continued introspection, felt the power of community and surrender in healing circles, expanded by trauma framework through NARM training and conversations with inspirational therapists, partook in Mindfulness Based Stress-Reduction to further my intention of mindful living, and expanded my stillness practice through Transcendental Meditation. Through trial and error, I developed a dedicated personal practice that has evolved so much over time (currently, it is a mindful somatic experience connecting mind & body followed by energetic breathwork).

    Through my own experiences visa vie the world, I have come to deeply understand that each person is on their own timeline, needing to experience their own pain and struggle, hopefully mixed with many corrective healing experiences.

    I invite everyone to bring their full Self, emotions, personality, and we at wibeto will join you on your journey.

    Adult Psychiatry Residency at Northwestern University of McGaw. Child and Adolescent Fellowship at University of California-San Diego. Board certified across all ages.


    There is a quote from a book I read in high school, Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, which has stuck with me throughout life: “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.” Upon reflection, I always had a keen interest in the human mind - specifically the way we can all coexist in this shared world despite our idiosyncrasies. I believe the most effective way to treat mental health is through connection. I aim to support patients in developing their own sense of connection through relationships with others, nature, music, art, or anything else that brings joy.

    Traditional psychiatric practices can be rigid and often push patients into boxes established by the DSM. While understanding the importance of identifying specific diagnoses, I strive to break apart labels and eliminate associated stigmas. I believe everyone falls on a continuum of multiple diagnoses, most of which are rooted in generational and childhood trauma. I hope to support my patients both pharmacologically and therapeutically on their journey to understanding and accepting themselves fully. I believe in treating the “whole-person” and emphasize the importance of exploring mind-body connection through mindfulness practices - I draw inspiration from the works of Thich Nhat Hanh, Gabor Maté, and Jon Kabat-Zinn.

    I have particular interest and expertise in complex PTSD, ADHD (particularly in women), substance use disorders, normalizing the concept of neurodivergence, and emerging research on psychedelic medicine. I utilize harm-reduction practices and value open and honest communication in the hopes of creating a safe and supportive patient-provider relationship.

    Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University. Master of Clinical Medical Science from Barry University.


    My passion lies in helping people navigate the complexities of mental health, shaped by my approach that is rooted in the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated. I aim to embody approachability, trustworthiness, non-judgment, compassion, and empathy in understanding each person’s unique life story and circumstances. I firmly believe in a collaborative relationship, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect rather than authoritarianism.

    In our modern, time-crunched world, it is understandable to try and look for and rely on a quick fix rather than addressing the root cause of the issue. I have found that for the long term success of one’s mental wellbeing, genuine investment in therapy is essential. When medication is necessary, I aim to optimize the therapeutic benefits while minimizing side effects.

    I recognize the importance of the mind-body connection for overall health. As a certified Ketamine practitioner, I blend traditional methods with modern treatments to improve one’s quality of life and help people further navigate their mental health journey.

    Beyond my work at Wibeto, I am actively involved with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention where I dedicate my energy to advocating for the normalization of neurodiversity, reducing the stigma around mental health issues, and trying to foster a society grounded in empathy and understanding rather than judgement.

    For those grappling with mental health, remember: Keep going. Seek supportive relationships, keep moving forward, and know that change is always possible.

    Bachelor of Science degree from Rush University Medical Center. Master of Science in Nursing from University of Illinois at Chicago.


    I found myself drawn to Wibeto Practice at a time when I wanted to collaborate with other practitioners in a space that values integrity, equality, and serving the whole person - not just viewing people as a diagnosis.

    When I work with clients, I use different therapeutic frameworks and a strengths-based approach to identify windows of opportunity to integrate one's inner healing intelligence with new therapeutic knowledge and skills in order to create new possibilities and pathways.

    My early interest in holistic healing coupled with a trust in my intuition, led me to become a Reiki Practitioner while I was still in college and massage therapy shortly after. I have been drawn to other mind-body connection modalities like EMDR and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) which I incorporate in the appropriate setting.

    Even after twenty years of practice, I am still amazed by the human capacity for self-healing. You are the expert on your life and the one who undertakes the healing journey. My goal is to help you find concrete ways to achieve wholeness. With the right care, attention, and tools, we naturally move towards holistic health. 

    I work with individuals, couples, ethically non-monogamous relationships, families, and at times will incorporate performance coaching + divorce mediation coaching.

    Bachelor of Arts from Beloit College. Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology Program at Northwestern. Licensed Clinical Psychological Counselor in Illinois.


    My journey to yoga did not take a linear path. My love for fitness and movement started at a very young age and evolved over the years. Some of my phases and cycles included tennis, running, weight training, biking … basically anything to keep my heart pumping and body strong.

    While working and living abroad in Southeast Asia for three years, I discovered the beautiful practice of yoga. I was hooked. That is where the certifications, workshops and learning began. Upon returning to the United States, I transitioned into a corporate role for some time, but I was committed to my study of yoga. In 2014, I decided to leave the corporate setting to teach yoga full time. Since then I have pursued areas of speciality in prenatal yoga, doula/birth work, nidra, trauma-informed practices, inclusivity, mindfulness and breath work. I have had the honor of facilitating Yoga Teacher Training programs, along with mentoring new teachers. I offer a decade of teaching experience. All these areas have influenced and impacted my teachings and offerings.

    For me, the yoking of the body, mind and spirit is the most profound element to the practice of yoga. Because of the link that yoga promotes, it has become a source of stability during the constant changes that are a part of life. I am so passionate about sharing this practice with others as my hope is individuals feel the same integration and presence as they navigate their lives and the human experience.

Office Admin

  • I joined the Wibeto team in 2023 as the Billing Coordinator. I have over 10 years of medical billing experience and bring my knowledge, compassion, and skillful communication to the team and to patients. I love to approach all aspects of the job with a positive, hard-working mindset, and am passionate about helping find solutions to any challenges. My hobbies include decorating my home, trying new restaurants in the city with friends, and traveling.

Sandy & Chloe
Therapy Pups (in training)

Think you’d make a good fit with our team? Whether it’s to come on part-time, full-time, utilize the Healing Space, or create a lasting partnership with our clinic, we’d love to connect.
See our opening positions below or reach out to us directly.

wibeto healing collective

  • facilitates psychedelic experiences by administering ketamine in a therapeutic setting, guiding clients through profound introspection and emotional processing. Integral to their role is supporting the integration of insights gained during the ketamine session into the client's overall therapeutic journey, promoting lasting healing and growth.

    individuals typically need to hold a valid and relevant mental health professional license, such as in psychology or psychiatry. They must then undergo specialized training and certification in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, which involves learning about ketamine's pharmacology, administration protocols, therapeutic integration strategies, and ethical considerations related to psychedelic-assisted treatments.

  • helps individuals reconnect with their body and release stored traumatic energy, utilizing techniques to address physical sensations and emotions linked to past experiences. Their role involves guiding clients through a process of self-awareness and gradual resolution of trauma, fostering healing at both physiological and psychological levels.

    To become a somatic experiencing therapist, one typically needs to complete a comprehensive training program accredited by the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, which involves several levels of coursework and supervised practice to develop the necessary skills and understanding of trauma resolution through somatic therapy.

  • Employs the language of movement and dance to guide individuals in self-exploration and emotional expression, promoting a deeper understanding of their inner experiences. They use tailored movement exercises and creative processes to assist clients in processing emotions, trauma, and interpersonal dynamics in a non-verbal and embodied manner. Through this therapeutic approach, they facilitate personal growth, enhance self-awareness, and improve overall well-being by integrating the mind, body, and spirit.

    Becoming a dance movement therapist requires completing a master's degree program accredited by the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA), which covers coursework in psychology, movement theory, and clinical applications of dance therapy. Additionally, aspiring dance movement therapists must complete supervised clinical internships and accumulate a specified number of direct client contact hours to attain board certification from the ADTA.

  • A trauma-informed yoga therapist utilizes yoga techniques and principles to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals with a history of trauma. They guide clients through yoga practices designed to cultivate self-awareness, regulate the nervous system, and promote healing, all while considering the unique needs and sensitivities of those who have experienced trauma.

    To become a trauma-informed yoga therapist, one typically needs to complete specialized training programs that integrate trauma-sensitive yoga principles with trauma theory and mental health concepts. These programs encompass understanding the effects of trauma on the body and mind, developing trauma-sensitive yoga sequences, and honing the skills to facilitate a healing and empowering yoga practice for individuals who have experienced trauma.

  • Holistic psychiatry is an approach to mental health care that considers the whole person—mind, body, spirit, and environment—in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health conditions. It emphasizes the integration of various factors such as nutrition, lifestyle, physical health, social connections, and spirituality to create a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan aimed at achieving optimal mental well-being.

    After reviewing this website, if you resonated deeply and think you would be a good fit, please reach out!

  • A holistic acupuncturist is a practitioner who employs traditional Chinese medicine principles and techniques, primarily acupuncture, to address not only specific symptoms or ailments but also the overall well-being and balance of an individual. This approach considers the interconnectedness of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit, seeking to restore harmony and promote health by addressing the root causes of imbalances and enhancing the body's innate healing abilities. Acupuncturists often incorporate lifestyle advice, dietary recommendations, herbal medicine, and other complementary modalities to support the holistic health of their clients.

  • A holistic dietitian takes a comprehensive approach to nutrition and health, considering not only the foods individuals consume but also their lifestyle, emotional well-being, and overall health goals. They assess and design personalized dietary plans that align with a person's unique needs, focusing on promoting overall wellness and balance in physical, mental, and emotional aspects of their life. By integrating various aspects of a person's life into their dietary recommendations, dietitians aim to foster long-term healthy habits and improve the individual's quality of life.

    A dietitian typically holds a bachelor's degree in dietetics, completed supervised practice, and passed a national licensing exam, while a nutritionist may have varying levels of formal education in nutrition without standardized credentialing. Dietitians are regulated healthcare professionals with a legal mandate to provide medical nutrition therapy and work in clinical settings, often collaborating with healthcare teams to manage specific medical conditions.

  • An IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapist specializes in helping individuals understand and integrate the different "parts" of their psyche, facilitating inner harmony and healing. They guide clients in recognizing and relating to distinct parts within themselves, each with unique thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Through this process, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of their internal dynamics and work towards achieving a more balanced and integrated sense of self.

    To become an IFS therapist, one typically undergoes specialized training and certification in the Internal Family Systems model, often including workshops, supervised practice, and ongoing professional development in this therapeutic approach.

  • An executive functioning coach specializes in assisting individuals, often students or professionals, in improving their executive functioning skills, which include organization, time management, prioritization, and goal-setting. They work collaboratively with clients to identify their specific challenges, develop personalized strategies, and provide ongoing support to enhance their ability to plan, initiate, and complete tasks effectively.

    Typically, an executive functioning coach has a background in psychology, education, counseling, or a related field, with additional training or certification in executive functioning coaching methodologies and techniques. This educational foundation equips them to understand the cognitive processes and behavioral patterns crucial for fostering improved executive functioning in their clients.

  • A life coach is a professional who helps individuals clarify their goals, aspirations, and challenges across various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, personal growth, and overall well-being. They provide guidance, support, and encouragement to empower clients in setting and achieving meaningful objectives, fostering a positive and proactive approach to their lives.

    While there is no standardized educational background required to become a life coach, many hold degrees or certifications in fields such as psychology, counseling, business, or education. Additionally, aspiring life coaches often pursue specialized training programs or certifications in life coaching techniques, methodologies, and ethical practices to enhance their coaching skills and competencies.