Ketamine Treatment in Chicago, IL

Find clarity, reduce negative thought patterns.

Ketamine is the first clinician-prescribed psychedelic treatment that can help with treating depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and other mental health-related conditions.

Ketamine treatments are only for established patients. To initiate care, please schedule a new patient intake appointment with one of our providers.

About Ketamine

Ketamine has been shown to be a safe and effective antidepressant. Like most experiences, when done with the appropriate (mind)set & setting, dose, and therapeutic integration, the healing potential can be great.

While there is active research to study the exact mechanisms, we currently have evidence to support its role in establishing a healthier balance of the glutamate system (illness occurs when under- or over- active), improve neuroplasticity by a host of mechanisms (building, healing, repairing neural connections), and regulating inflammation pathways. It has been found to quickly lower depressive symptoms by the direct action of the medication and by the deeper experiences that accompany it - as dose increases, a more calming, emotionally-open state transitions into a more dissociated one with the possibility for deeper transformative states of Being.

Our brains are wired to protect us. With ketamine, the proverbial walls can relax more easily and we can then address painful emotions and experiences. Or further consolidate and enrich pleasant ones. Since we inevitably return to our daily lives, we’ll need space to continue integrating what was stirred up.

From this, we may see an increase in self-compassion, spiritual awareness, emotional-openness, feelings of connectedness, and a decrease in depressive thinking, ruminations, social anxiety. We may come away with a better regulated nervous system and an improved ability to meet our Foundational needs.


For more than half a century, ketamine has undergone extensive research as a medication for inducing anesthesia.


Ketamine has demonstrated the ability to offer swift and lasting relief as an antidepressant.


In the United States and Canada, ketamine has been authorized for therapeutic use.


Ketamine's onset of action occurs within minutes and lasts around 45-90 minutes.

Who is this for?

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Trauma

The wibeto experience

Serial assessments will take place to determine if a patient is a candidate for ketamine treatments. As with all psychedelics, the ketamine Journey is dictated by our (mind)Set and Setting. Our expectations, motivations, intentions, energy, presence, etc, are several factors of our Psyche that will interplay with the Ketamine to create your experience.

We trust the innate ability of each person to heal themselves so naturally what comes up for each person is unique, personal, and may hold deep meaning (like dreams).

What are you feeling called to? What are you needing to release?

We have cultivated a safe and relaxed atmosphere to allow our nervous systems to be at ease. Before arriving in your respective ketamine room, we have each person spend time in the Grounding room, focusing on connecting mind & body through somatic mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork. We have to consciously center ourselves in order to create a space that will allow our subconscious to be more free to explore. If we emerge into this space directly from a long day, work, racing mind, etc, the experience typically won’t allow access to as much substance.
The Grounding room will have teachings to facilitate the conscious connection inward or you will be guided by your provider.

If not already doing so, we encourage a daily stillness practice in the months leading up to treatment. Are you in the driver or passenger seat of your life?

This is your space - whatever energy moves through you, you have the Permission to feel and express your fullest self - cry, shake, smile, breathe, reflect, emote. There truly is nothing “to do”. Your mind-body-soul know exactly what it needs.

Your body knows how to continue the basic functions of breathing & swallowing so you can be free of any worries that you need to take care of it, and can fully relax into the experience.

We are here for you!

The more we can surrender and be curious of our internal world, the more spaciousness we create to feel in the present moment. It then becomes much easier to hear the Soul’s true purpose which can help elucidate who we are and direct us to where we actually want to go.

Can you surrender? Can you fall in order to fly?

Ketamine can allow us to explore beyond our already-formed grooves of thought. In a sense, we can poke through the filter just a bit and maybe see something in a new light that we were unable to before. This can be a special time where we can feel feelings that have been suppressed, take inventory on our lives, more comfortably face past or present sources of pain, and reframe the narrative upstairs. There can be a break from the chronic urgency, hypervigilance, harsh inner critic, and the stuck record.

How comfortable are you being uncomfortable?

After the journey, we re-enter the Grounding room to further process the experience. Like shavasanna in yoga, this is a time to be consciously awake, remain connected to our Body, and allow for all that has internally stewed to further marinate and/or express into art. It is normal for our Thinking Mind to wonder about the next steps/tasks/duties of the day, and saying ‘No’ one final time will be essential in giving yourself the rest it so desperately needs and deserves.

What do you want to leave behind and what do we want to take with you?

In between sessions, you will continue meeting with your therapist to integrate the experience + continue to build a mind-body awareness through a meditation/breathwork/movement practice - we prescribe at least 5 minutes, twice per day. This is a special window in time where the brain is undergoing synaptogenesis and greatly benefits from further processing of your experience.

Are you ready to expand Beyond what is familiar?

The wibeto experience

  • Serial assessments will take place to determine if a patient is a candidate for ketamine treatments. As with all psychedelics, the ketamine Journey is dictated by our (mind)Set and Setting. Our expectations, motivations, intentions, energy, presence, etc, are several factors of our Psyche that will interplay with the Ketamine to create your experience.

    We trust the innate ability of each person to heal themselves so naturally what comes up for each person is unique, personal, and may hold deep meaning (like dreams).

    What are you feeling called to? What are you needing to release?

  • We have cultivated a safe and relaxed atmosphere to allow our nervous systems to be at ease. Before arriving in your respective ketamine room, we have each person spend time in the Grounding room, focusing on connecting mind & body through somatic mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork. We have to consciously center ourselves in order to create a space that will allow our subconscious to be more free to explore. If we emerge into this space directly from a long day, work, racing mind, etc, the experience typically won’t allow access to as much substance.The Grounding room will have teachings to facilitate the conscious connection inward or you will be guided by your provider.

    If not already doing so, we encourage a daily stillness practice in the months leading up to treatment. Are you in the driver or passenger seat of your life?

  • This is your space - whatever energy moves through you, you have the Permission to feel and express your fullest self - cry, shake, smile, breathe, reflect, emote. There truly is nothing “to do”. Your mind-body-soul know exactly what it needs.

    Your body knows how to continue the basic functions of breathing & swallowing so you can be free of any worries that you need to take care of it, and can fully relax into the experience.

    We are here for you!

  • The more we can surrender and be curious of our internal world, the more spaciousness we create to feel in the present moment. It then becomes much easier to hear the Soul’s true purpose which can help elucidate who we are and direct us to where we actually want to go.

    Can you surrender? Can you fall in order to fly?

    Ketamine can allow us to explore beyond our already-formed grooves of thought. In a sense, we can poke through the filter just a bit and maybe see something in a new light that we were unable to before. This can be a special time where we can feel feelings that have been suppressed, take inventory on our lives, more comfortably face past or present sources of pain, and reframe the narrative upstairs. There can be a break from the chronic urgency, hypervigilance, harsh inner critic, and the stuck record.

    How comfortable are you being uncomfortable?

  • After the journey, we re-enter the Grounding room to further process the experience. Like shavasanna in yoga, this is a time to be consciously awake, remain connected to our Body, and allow for all that has internally stewed to further marinate and/or express into art. It is normal for our Thinking Mind to wonder about the next steps/tasks/duties of the day, and saying ‘No’ one final time will be essential in giving yourself the rest it so desperately needs and deserves.

    What do you want to leave behind and what do we want to take with you?

  • In between sessions, you will continue meeting with your therapist + continue to build a mind-body awareness through a meditation/breathwork/movement practice - we prescribe at least 5 minutes, twice per day. This is a special window in time where the brain is undergoing synaptogenesis and greatly benefits from further processing of your experience.

    Are you ready to expand away from what is familiar?

  • “Your protectors’ goals for your life revolve around keeping you away from all that pain, shame, loneliness, and fear, and they use a wide array of tools to meet those goals—achievements, substances, food, entertainment, shopping, sex, obsession with your appearance, caretaking, meditation, money, and so on”

    Richard Schwartz PhD - No Bad Parts

  • “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”

    Carl Jung

  • “Our task in life consists precisely in a form of letting go of fear and expectations, an attempt to purely give oneself to the impact of the present”

    Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind

  • “Addictions represent, in their onset, the defense of an organism against suffering it does not know how to endure. In other words, we are looking at a natural response to unnatural circumstances, an attempt to soothe the pain of injuries incurred in childhood and stresses sustained in adulthood”

    Gabor Maté MD - the Myth of Normal


Is ketamine a psychedelic?

Depends on who you ask. Many would agree that ketamine experiences involve mysticism (internal and external unity, noetic quality, sacredness), transcendence of space & time, feelings of peace & tranquility, and ineffability - these are part of the Mystical Experience Questionnaire assessing for a psychedelic experience.

‍How is it administered? What dose will I get?

There will be options for nasal and intramuscular. Each has its profile that we will review together - for example, nasal spray is slower to build while intramuscular has a faster onset, doesn’t require monitoring your sprays, and you won’t experience the unpleasant taste.

Depending on many factors, we will discuss what the starting dose would be most appropriate for you. There are different advantages at each dosing range ie. low doses may encourage a mindful, emotionally open state that allows processing with a therapist whereas higher doses will cause dissociation to the point where you have transcended space & time.

The Ketamine treatments are prescribed off-label. Ketamine is the ‘R’ and ‘S’ (racemic mixture) versus the FDA-approved Spravato (esketamine, ‘S’ enantiomer). In 2019, Spravato was approved for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) and Major Depressive Disorder with Acute Suicidal Ideation or Behavior (MDSI).

What are some specific examples from people’s experiences with ketamine?

  • “I have a growing sense of security of the world”

  • “I don’t feel as alone. I feel connected to something bigger”

  • “my foundational beliefs are shifting. I can feel and believe it rather than just think it”

  • “I can more easily retrieve the Part of myself that’s been alone for a long time”

  • “I actually believed for a moment that I left my trauma in the past. I finally feel like I’m releasing a deeply held fear”

  • “I have less attachment to things and can live more in the moment. I don’t go to the extremes when something is upsetting to me”

  • “I felt for the first time like I felt the unconditional love of my mom”

  • “I live more mindfully. I’m more kind to myself and I don’t take on other peoples anxieties as easily”

  • “It’s more natural to connect and express my love for others”

Do I have to taper off the psychiatric medications I am currently taking?

In contrast to the use of many other psychedelics (which are not yet legalized), ketamine does not require you taper off your current psychiatric medications.

What are the side effects?

It does not have the side effect profile accustom to many of the current antidepressants ie. weight gain, emotional numbing, sexual side effects.

Much of the effects during the treatment are a natural consequence of the medication, however some people can experience higher amount of nausea (most common), vomiting, dizziness, sedation/lethargy/drowsiness, lightheadedness, elevated blood pressure.

After the treatment: a mild disorientation, spaciness can remain, some of which could be due to the direct effects of the medications and others due to the psychological after effects of the Journey.

We will discuss ways to optimize the experience by pre- and post-treatment care - a good night’s sleep, ample hydration, a meditation practice, fasting for 4+ hours before treatment, and movement are a few important ones.

Book an Appointment

Here at wibeto practice, we will see the full you.
We are here for you when you are ready.